Dough Dough Bakery

Dough Dough Bakery goes from a bakery during the day to a wine bar in the evening. You can glimpse the lights on in the kitchen in the early hours of 4 a.m., when delicate scones, jam filled olees and soft flaky chocolate tahini rolls are being created.

At 4 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays Dough Dough Bakery transforms from cozy bakery into an inviting wine bar. The wine list stays close to home with Oregon wines, travels across the country to New York (yes they make wine), and hops around the world to places like Italy, Spain, France and Austria. Enjoy tapas in the Spanish style to compliment your wine choice. Each night you will find a delicious menu dreamed up by the talented and inventive staff. The in house fermentation specialist always has several jars of beautiful vegetables and fruits being pickled and fermented. Ask him a few questions, he will embrace the chance to share with you his passion for fermented foods. For those that might be thinking “That all sounds great, but I’m not really a wine person” Dough Dough also offers a selection of beers and ciders, as well as a few non-alcoholic beverages.

Enjoying the unforgettable waffle at Dough Dough Bakery in Seaside. Don Frank
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Dough Dough Bakery

Contact Info

8 N Holladay Street
Seaside, Oregon 97138


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